Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 4, moving on... :)

Week 3 : Haha... Was late and Janette did a great post !

Week 4 : Starting the story !!! I won't reveal much of the story :) Our main character is Kitty and the story will be about her amazing travel !!!

So, everybody... Our teacher scolded us because we don't put up enough info about our progress, what we go through etc... so now we'll have more time in class to dedicate to our lovely blog :)

Vocab gram etc :  I learned trunk :) 
I also realize that I am loosing a lot of vocabulary as I am most of the time lazy about my English .. I get in touch with a lot of English speaking people that know french so if I throw french words here and there it is funny and they understand me... need to work on that laziness ;)

Pedagogy :
I love the principle of creating suspense, the desire for the child  to learn or to understand, so that they would receive the lesson in an easier way ! Today we did the story line, how to create a desire for the kid : quest with character growth that the kids could identify with : scared of leaving the parents...

Technology :
Nothing to say:) exept that I can't wait to start drawing the character and finding out how to protray Kitty:) I am even thinking of downloading softwears like photoshop or something like it...

Collaboration : gathering info about...
Janette : Africa + Australia
Johanna : South America + South Pole
Cécile : Asia + drawings


  1. Well each of us are suppose to post something but I don't find it necessary! I would only be repeating what you said.

    The only thing I could add is about my "Vocab gram etc". I didn't learn any new word today but it's just that I struggle to speak only in English! No it's not because I can't speak English :) It's simply because back home in the Caribbean we mix French, English and Creole in one sentence( I know it sound weird lol).But now that I have to speak ONLY in English I have to concentrate more on what I'm saying to that I won't speak my broken English :)

    I like our story line so far and can't wait to see how the story will evolve !

  2. Indeed! Great story ahead! I'm sorry I didn't say anything until know but i had lost my password ^^' I promiss I'll be more active :)
    What can I add... I think the idea of travelling around the world will not only be interesting for the students but for us too so I am glad we picked that one
    I didn't really learn any new vocabulary
    my freemind doesn't work would you have any idea why?

  3. AAAAAWWWWWWW..... I didn't scold you ..... in fact I was so nice about it that I gave you time in class to think about what you would want to write about .... hehehehe !!
    Its good to see that you have divided the task up. So if I understand correctly, each of you will be responsible for gathering information before next class ????!!
    Cecile, no, do not download photoshop. You're soon going to learn about using another tool which is free, and I'm getting a professional to come to teach you how to use it... what do you think ;) ??
    Janette, you could choose to write about something else, you know. You could just decide to write about one thing, say for example, pedagogy.... and don't worry about your English... you speak well :) Also, I can't wait either to see how your story will evolve ...
    Hanna, did you download FreeMind correctly on your laptop??? ;)
